Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Half Ironman Training Week 2: Thanks 7-11!

I have decided to write one entry per week on this blog.  That way each entry is filled with substantive information and doesn't become boring.

Last week's training went really well.  After Wednesday's run my right hamstring was tender and tight, but I took a couple of Epson salt baths, and then on Friday I took an ice bath.  Everything was good to go for the weekend. The workout plan that we are using calls for heavy doses of training on the weekend.  This Saturday a 40 mile bike ride was scheduled with a 30 minute run as well.  During mile 26 we hit a heavy South Florida thunderstorm, and were rescued my a man named Shane aka the white knight!  He took Mike and I back to the YMCA, which was a 20 mile drive from where we were.  At the Y we finished up the ride on a stationary spin bike.  

Sunday's swim went well.  I'm really beginning to feel my form come into place, which will definitely help come race day.  On Wednesday's run I was saved once again by 7-11 when nature called.  I am known to the cashiers at every 7-11 in Naples as the sweaty man that comes in to use the bathroom.  We finished the week with just over 100 miles of biking, approximately 17 miles of running, and about 4 miles of swimming.

This week will call for more of the 3 events, so our base will continue to grow.  The legs feel great in the early stages of this week compared to last, so that's nice.  I look forward to the coming weeks, and especially to week 5 where more speed work is incorporated into our work out.

Almost forgot, today's bike ride went really well, but was filled with a sad moment.  We decided to veer off our regular route, so we could hit a bridge over I-75.  In Florida these bridges are our only hills.  After the bridge we headed toward Bonita beach road, and ran into a stray puppy.  He was mixed with some pit, and ran right up to us from across the street.  He smelled my shoes and ankle as I crossed the street (prolly some Bitty or Rocky scent he smelled :).  The pup continued to chase us until we were out of sight.  I almost had 4 dogs after that encounter.  :)  Hope he was just lost (poor guy).

Well, take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

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