Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I never thought I would be the one to start a blog.  However, recently reading blogs about running has inspired me.  The fact that others (like myself) motivated me made me want to share my experiences and hope that maybe someone out there could be inspired.

I never ran for competition in the past, and never ran as a hobby.  However, my wife and her unbelievable drive for fitness got me to hit the road and hopefully never stop.  I have never felt better in my life.  I breath better, eat better, study more efficiently, and running has also helped me become a better Catholic Man, and husband.

I will post my daily workouts and experiences up to the Disney World Marathon and beyond.  I hope that these posts may help you on your journey.  If you have any suggestions please give them to me.  I began my running life in July, so it is short lived.  Thanks for your time, but I must hit the road!

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